The Saturday 7

1. We got to meet Baby Cove on Sunday! Be still my aching ovaries. 

He and Levi were the exact same size at birth, but it's amazing how quickly you forget how small 6 lbs, 15 oz. really is!

We brought them a meal on Thursday, and he wasn't quite as happy to see us. Haha.

We're so excited to welcome him into the Cousin Crew though. Now that I'm done having babies, I need my siblings and nieces to keep popping them out so I can get my baby fix. 

2. On Monday, I went to my first Development Committee meeting at school. Look at me, all old and on committees and stuff. It's basically a committee devoted to promoting the school and raising funds. I may have taken on responsibility for writing the bi-annual newsletter, so keep an eye on your mailboxes for that exciting treat! First up: a dramatic exposé with a behind the scenes look at the library. Just how many kids have overdue books? Do we practice censorship? And what's the real reason librarians love cardigans so much??

3. We had a glorious weekend of fall fun, with absolutely perfect weather. I wouldn't mind fall so much if the weather could stay like this! Mid 70s and sunny. I'm pretty sure that's what heaven will be like. Yesterday we went to Trunk or Treat at a church in town. This time, the kids actually had store-bought costumes.
Moana and a Ninja - complete with num-chuks. (I had to spell-check that word, and I've definitely been calling them "nun-chucks.") 

"Take a picture with my bucket on my head!"

Once again, Lucy did not want to come. I had a startling realization this week that she only has 5.5 more years of school. I'm sad that she chooses to spend so much time in her room instead of with us. But if I force her to participate in family time, she's just sullen and grumpy the whole time. Pre-teens. What can you do?

4. Today, we went to my parents to "help" my dad make cider. Mostly we just get in the way/make it more difficult. Haha. Then the kids freak out about bees and run off to play, while the rest of us sit and chat. But it makes for a good photo opportunity! #millennial 

For Lucy, it's all about the chance to wear a flannel shirt and tall boots. But at least she showed up!

5. Then tonight, we took advantage of the nice weather to carve pumpkins outside on the deck. Levi gagged and puked as soon as he got the top off his pumpkin, so he got put on photography duty while I de-seeded his pumpkin.

He loved carving, though. In the past, he's drawn a design on his pumpkin, and then either Justin or I carved it. But this year, I handed him the knife and let him go to town. He made all kinds of intricate designs. 

He also enjoyed this peg kit I got on clearance last year. It's kind of like a light brite - for pumpkins!

Check out the gorgeous tree in our backyard!

The eyeballs were another clearance find!

My masterpiece

6. Earlier today, Levi happened to be laying under the coffee table when he noticed someone had drawn on the underside of it. All 3 kids claimed they didn't do it, but then Levi asked, "Can I draw some more on there?" And I thought to myself, "This is a hand-me down coffee table that is at least 28 years old. It's falling apart and needs to be thrown away. My kids know not to write on furniture. Letting them do it now is not going to set a precedent. Why not?" So I told him yes, and he and Lena were entertained for the next half an hour - plus they thought I was such a cool mom! #winning

7. A few more pics:
Hand-me-down sleeping bag, complete with shark pillow

Half an hour later . . .

Voila! Elbow grease for the win. Although it's still a little sticky. What can I use that won't ruin the floor?

Made me laugh.
