The "What Day Is It?" 5

Sorry for leaving you hanging last Saturday. I was reading a book all night and it never crossed my mind to work on my blog. I honestly don't even have that much to share today either, but we're going to be gone all weekend, and I don't dare deprive you two weeks in a row!

1. I had my yearly physical last week. My doctor declared me her "healthiest patient." As Justin said, "that's a sad indication of the health of her other patients." Lol. I think she probably tells everyone that - especially since I didn't have any complaints. I asked her to lower my depression med dose. I'm flirting with the idea of weaning off of them entirely (especially after the new study that shows meds are only 15% more effective than placebos 🤦), but winter is coming, so this might not be the best time. Anyway, once again, I must point out that my sedentary lifestyle and Dr Pepper habit aren't killing me as quickly as "the experts" said they would. Take that, experts! 

2. Despite the good news from the doctor, I've been trying to get back into my exercise program. I finished the first round of "Core Basics" - which is really glorified stretching and breathing exercises. This week I started the first real workout. It.was.brutal. Which actually does say something about my health, because it's supposed to be a beginner level, introduction to exercise. I was supposed to do 3 sets of each move, but only made it through one before I collapsed into a puddle on the floor. The main focus was legs, and while the exercises made me tired and out of breath, they didn't really hurt . . . until the next morning. Holy cow. That was Tuesday, and I still can't walk without limping, or go down steps without gasping in pain (which is unfortunate, since we live in a bi-level house). I literally scooted down the stairs on my butt a few times over the last few days. It's out of control. I was supposed to work out again on Wednesday, but we're going to the Ark Encounter in Kentucky on Saturday, and I decided I better spare my muscles so I can walk for hours through the exhibits. Maybe by next week, I can move on to "day two" of the program. Lol.

3. Justin's parents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this weekend by taking us all to the ark! (They're also going to Hawaii in November - I think that's the real celebration - haha.) I'm super excited about the ark, but I'm super dreading the 7+ hour drive. My kids are not good travelers. And truth be told, I'm not a great traveler myself. I hate being cooped up, and my kids hate being bored. Plus 2/3 of them are pukers. And Levi has to pee approximately every 15 seconds. Pray for us. Lol.

4. Last Sunday we celebrated Nova and Casper's birthdays at Niki's house, and the kids got to go for one final dip in the pool!

These spoiled kids have no idea how lucky they are to swim in October. Amazing Aunt Niki heated the pool to 85* even though the air temp was only 65! 

The birthday kids

5. That's really all I can come up with. I have to go finish packing for the big trip. Enjoy these last few pics . . .
In a book I read to my Kindergarteners. Haha. 

My go-to meal when the weather cools off. (Pretty sure I take a picture every time I make this.)

This kid has already been to the principal's office once this year, and has had a slew of other behavioral issues. But man, he looks so sweet and innocent while he's sleeping.

Siblings who craft together stay together. 
