The Saturday 7

Whew! What a week. Gonna try and make this snappy . . .

1. Sunday was my birthday. It was the most anticlimactic birthday ever. I still wasn't feeling good, so we stayed home from church. I decided to break my diet for my absolute favorite donut: the twist from Hilltop Bakery. We slept in and took our time getting out there, so it was noon by the time we arrived. And then this happened:

I was surprised there was such a long line when we walked in, and then the lady in front of me ordered every last twist donut that was left. I really wanted to say, "Wait! Today is my birthday, and I've been dieting for three weeks, and the thought of this donut has been getting me through. Can you please just let me have one??" But of course I didn't. (#noconfrontation) I told Justin it was probably a sign that I shouldn't cheat on my diet, but I ordered a different one anyway. And it was delicious.

2. After that donut, I didn't eat much this week. The thought of eating any more eggs made me want to hurl. I eventually got to the point that I'd rather not eat than scrounge up something else keto friendly. It's super interesting to me how quickly my body got used to that and I didn't even feel hungry very often. Now if only I could sustain that without getting the shakes. Haha. Kidding. I lost 8 pounds in 4 weeks. I kind of expected to lose more considering the drastic change in my diet. Maybe if I kept going, my body would respond instead of holding on to the fat because it thinks I'm starving. But it's definitely not worth it to me. Aren't you so glad you don't have to listen to me whine anymore??!!

3. Wednesday evening, Levi wouldn't stop crying about how he couldn't get his ears to pop and they felt stuffed. So I finally got a q-tip and swirled it around in his ear, hoping the placebo effect would be enough to pacify him. But the q-tip made it worse. He cried and cried and kept pulling his ear spastically. So then I worried that I broke his ear drum or something. He hadn't been having problems with his ear until that night. But it was 7:00, and I knew urgent care closed at 8 and I wouldn't have time to take him in on Thursday, so we hopped in the car and hurried over. While we were waiting in the room, he played on my old phone, and I knew his ear really hurt when he'd stop playing to lay on my lap and cry. He also did this the whole time:

Finally, the doctor came in and diagnosed him with an ear infection. We left just before 8 and even made it to the pharmacy for his antibiotic before they closed at 9! Whew! He felt better after the first dose and has been back to his normal self ever since then!

4. Thursday was Justin's last regular season soccer game. At the beginning of the season, I said I'd go to the games that were nice weather. I've served my time of sitting through freezing cold games as a soccer wife. I had no interest in doing that again. But this fall has been so amazing, that there wasn't one game that was too cold to attend! That said, I didn't make it to every one, but Thursday was another beautiful night, and I wanted to go to the last one - especially because they were playing the public school in our town, where many of our church members attend. The kids and I got there just before half time (because we're incapable of being on time) and our team was down 0-3. But in the last half hour of the game, our team scored 5 goals! The final score was 5-4 and we won! So it was a really fun game to watch. Afterward, there was a little "senior recognition" and Justin got to give a little spiel. Then each senior got to take their final PK with Justin in the goal. He was nice and let them all score. 😉

They had a really good season. I can't remember the exact numbers, but I think they ended around 17-5-2 (including tournaments). They have one more tournament in a couple weeks . . . in Ohio. And then I get my husband back in the evenings! 

5. The rest of the week was wedding week!!! My nephew got married today, so we've been working our tails off for the past couple of days to get everything ready. Man, weddings are a lot of work. And I actually played a very small part in it! Haha. I was mostly just the prep and cleaning crew. We spent Friday getting the church ready and preparing for the rehearsal dinner. I had the torturous job of transporting the Olive Garden from the restaurant to the church, knowing I couldn't eat a single breadstick or piece of pasta. (I did, however, enjoy chicken smothered in alfredo sauce!) Then, since none of my kids were in this wedding, I didn't actually have to be present during the rehearsal portion of the evening, so I just cleaned everything up. We decorated the reception hall after the rehearsal, but I was home by 11 and in bed soon after.

6. Today, I didn't have to do much at all. It was so weird! I ran one errand for Niki and jumped in a quick selfie with Niki, Amy, and Tater.

But then I spent the rest of the hours before the wedding curling hair! 

Since most of my hair-curling friends had kids in the wedding or were otherwise engaged, I was on my own for doing my own hair and make-up. I wouldn't say it was a smashing success, but it was good enough - pretty much my life motto anyway. Lucy, however, did an amazing job on her own makeup, and I couldn't get over how old she looked!

7. The wedding was absolutely beautiful. I am well medicated and really didn't think I'd cry, but I cried multiple times. Lol. I cried watching Niki walk down the aisle with Tater. I cried because I could hear her crying when she hugged him before sitting down. I cried when Nash came down the aisle looking so adorable. Then I cried again when Ruby and Nova appeared. And I cried when Madi came down the aisle! I was a hot mess! I didn't take a ton of pictures because I'm honestly a little disappointed in the camera on my new phone 😢, but I'm not going to share anything until Madi has a chance to post them herself. So here's a few just of my family:

At the reception. Look at that hunk. He did keto with me, wasn't nearly as strict as I was, and lost more weight than me. 🤦

The reception was - and not just because I got to drink my first (and second) Dr Pepper in 4 weeks or stuff my face with mashed potatoes!! We danced our booties off (I'm seriously going to be sore tomorrow) and had so much fun together. Levi was a dancing fiend and was drenched in sweat by the end of the night. Haha. 

Everything went so well. Madi was absolutely gorgeous, Tayton had a grin on his face all night, and Niki only cried a few times. 😂 I can't wait to see the professional pictures, because everything was so beautiful! But now, I am going to bed!!
