The Saturday 7

1. I made up for a pathetic birthday this week. Not dieting is the best. McDonald's on Monday, Little Caesar's on Wednesday, Grant Depot and Red Robin on Friday, Starbucks and Cracker Barrel today. 😁🐷 I do think Keto messed me up a little, though. I can't eat as much as I used to be able to. And I will admit that really sugary stuff doesn't appeal to me as much as it once did. 😲 I'm sure that will all change once I reacquaint my body with junk food again. I'm pretty sure I've already gained my 8 pounds back, but I'm not stepping on a scale to find out. Lol.

2. Dieting also messed with my mind a little bit. I've noticed this week that I've been way more self-conscious about my appearance than usual. I'm overwhelmed by my inability to do my hair and/or make-up, I feel like my clothes are all frumpy, and my face is gross. I hate that I dieted for 4 weeks, squeezed myself into spanx and control-top tights, shopped for hours for a dress, spent lots of money on new make-up, spent half an hour on my hair, and still didn't feel pretty. When all I was thinking about was how carbs would affect my waistline, it made me too hyper-focused on my appearance. It didn't help that I didn't get carded at Family Fare tonight when I bought alcohol. I wanted to say, "Really?? You really think I look 40?" Time to start focusing on inner beauty . . . or something . . .

3. Justin and I went on a belated birthday date last night. We left the kids with his parents, and you'd think we were leaving for 6 months the way Lena and Levi acted. 🤦 I know I should be glad they love me so much, but it's really exhausting. Haha. Anyway, Justin and I went to Red Robin for my free birthday burger (and lots of Dr Pepper!), then we ventured over to the mall where we spent an hour in Barnes n' Noble. I could've stayed longer, but Justin rushed me out of there. I just love to look at every single thing. In the end, Justin spent more than I did, so he likes it more than he let on. I've actually been in kind of a reading rut lately. Nothing holds my attention. #millenial 

4. I haven't been enjoying my classes as much this semester as I have previously. Even my library classes are boring. I usually love history, but my history class is a drag. The professor just posts powerpoint presentations from his in-person classes, but doesn't include notes or the lectures that go with them, so it's kind of a guessing game. I even forgot about an assignment during wedding weekend. I got an email saying, "You have a new grade for this assignment." When I clicked on the grade, it was a big fat zero. Oops! Fortunately, I was allowed to do it late, and only had a couple points knocked off. My motto this semester is "C's get degrees!" 

5. Today, I got to go on an Ikea trip with my aunt and cousins. It was so much fun. We left at 8:30 a.m. and didn't get home 'til 7:30. I didn't buy anything big or exciting, but I had a blast browsing and spending time with my cousins. We have very similar senses of humor, so we have fun no matter where we go. Haha. 

Wondering if I really believe that affirmation on the chalkboard . . .

6. Of course, once Lena woke up and realized I was gone, I started getting texts like this:

Then she asked me if they have kids' clothes . . .
"We already have enough!" Lol

And then lots and lots of messages like these. 🤦

My cousins and I decided that her future husband better really like me, because she's never moving out. Lol. 

7. A few more pictures
Preview of Lena's Halloween costume

I'm just going to start hanging books from the ceiling and calling it decoration!

They grow up so fast.

We had such an amazing fall. It's only gotten cold over the past couple of days. I miss the warm weather already!!

Fun at the library

The awesome shirt Justin's parents got me for my birthday. I couldn't figure out how to flip the image. It says, "Having fun isn't hard when you have a library card!" 😁🤓📚
