Advent Activities 2018

This year, we're adding in a few new traditions: St. Nicholas Day and St. Lucia Day. We're not Catholic, but since we're learning about other countries and cultures this year in homeschool, I thought it would be appropriate to add in these popular European traditions. Plus, our ancestry is very Dutch, so we should've been doing St. Nicholas anyway! And I love that St. Lucia Day can also be translated St. Lucy's Day. We'll also read the Kirsten (American Girl) book about their St. Lucia Day celebration. And in keeping with the "Christmas Around the World" theme, we'll be making our way through Kate and Mack's 12 Days of Christmas from Wycliffe's website. It's a look at the way 12 different countries celebrate Christmas, including activities and recipes. And my grand hope is that we'll also make our way through this book for an overview of the Bible and how it all points to the Savior. The rest of this year's activities are pretty standard . . .

1. Jesus' Birthday Party
2. Get and decorate our tree . . . although the forecast calls for rain all day. 
3. Have girls buy presents for each other and Levi
4. Art museum (if I can find a babysitter for Levi)
5. Make cards for our Compassion child
6. St. Nicholas Day (they'll get their special ornament and some candy in their shoes)
7. See the lights at the Whitecaps
8. Gingerbread houses at the library
9. Ice skating
10. Trees and trains at the Gardens
11. Make gifts for Awana leaders and gymnastics coaches
12. Christmas movie and hot chocolate
13. St. Lucia Day - we're going to try to make St. Lucia braided bread
14. See The Nutcracker Movie (hopefully it's still in theaters by then)
15. Family Christmas with Justin's side of the family
16. Christmas program at church
17. Sledding
18. Make treats for the librarians
19. Do some Christmas crafts I bought for 90% off last year
20. Make treats for the mail lady
21. Make and decorate gingerbread men
22. Treasure hunt
23. Read Christmas books in front of the tree
24. Christmas Eve service at church
