The Saturday 7

1.My computer bit the dust this week. A new one is on its way, but until then, it's going to be difficult to write the Saturday 7. I'm typing this on my phone, which I am horrible at, so consider yourself forewarned.

2. Christmas was wonderful as usual. We went to the Christmas Eve service at church and no one started anything on fire with their candle. Then most of the fam headed to Niki's for snacks and hanging out. Some of us spent the night. The girls hardly slept and Levi didn't fall asleep until midnight, but everyone was up and at 'em by 8 to find stockings as we waited for the rest of the family to show up. It is impossible to format this on my phone, so just look at the pictures and make up your own captions in your heads.

We spent the day playing cards and enjoying our new toys. Then we packed the van to the brim and headed home.

3. The days after Christmas consisted of cleaning, organizing, and getting the house back in order. Plus a lot of Legos, Play-Doh, trains, cars, and riding around on this thing:
I was shopping at Rowland's months ago when I saw this motorized Cars tricycle for $16! I had no idea what the quality would be like, but figured that was a good price for a tricycle even if the motor wasn't great. So we've been pleasantly surprised by how well it runs and holds a charge! Levi loves it!

4. Lucy had a well child checkup yesterday. The Dr lectured her about trying new foods, so we'll see about that. Haha. And she measured above the 70th percentile for both height and weight. I will never get used to that. Lena and Levi are consistently in the teens. Haha.

5. Justin had the whole week off. We didn't do anything fun and exciting. But I got him to stay up late and binge watch The Big Bang Theory with me. The girls continue to stay up til 11 every night and sleep till 10 the next day. (Lena woke up at 11 today!!) Levi usually wakes up at 8, but then falls back to sleep in bed with us, so we all slept till 9 or 10 this week. #badhabits #nightowls

6. I logged into Goodreads for the first time in a while and was met with this notification: "You haven't reached your reading goal yet! If you read 7 books every day from now until the end of the year, you will achieve your goal!" Lol. I'm a fast reader, but 7 books a day is a but much, even for me! I'm currently at 74 books for the year. I'm going to try to crank one more out before Tuesday so I can end with an even 75.

7. 7 wanted to get a couple more entries up before the end of the year: 2018 in Review and my goals for 2019, but I am not typing another entry on my phone. This is for the birds. I'll work on them when my new laptop arrives. Until then, here are a few more pictures:

One minute after I opened all his new Play-Doh. 🤦

I got to babysit my sweet Nash today. I could've brought him home with me, but it was so warm and peaceful at his house. Plus they have HGTV. There was a Fixer Upper marathon on and I didn't want to leave when my sister came home!
He was so excited to spend the day with me. 😂


The one perk of typing this on my phone = emojis!
