The Saturday 7

1. Christmas is in 3 days!!!!! Are you excited?!?! I love Christmas so much. It doesn't stress me out. I love planning and shopping (thank you, Amazon Prime) and wrapping. I think we're fortunate that our families all live nearby and we don't celebrate with all of them the actual day of Christmas. I love the excuse to do fun activities with my kids and buy them presents. I went a little overboard this year (do I say that every year?), but I already warned the girls that if we buy a house next year, Christmas will not be as elaborate. The house is going to be their big gift. Haha. Here's hoping!

2. I felt bad for Justin this year. Since I pour so much time, energy (and money) into making Christmas fun for our kids, he gets a little neglected. So this year I decided to try the 12 Days of Christmas thing that has been going around Pinterest. It was way harder than I anticipated to come up with gifts that correlate with the days - that are things he'd actually want! Haha. I never realized how many birds are in that dumb song! But I'm always up for a creative challenge, so this is what I came up with:
Day one: a "partridge" in a pear treat. (I intended to make pear bread the night before, but I ended up being at the hospital 'til 11:00 to meet my new niece!) I wandered the aisles of Meijer forever looking for anything pear flavored. I finally just ended up with this Sobe water, 3 pears, and some pear jam a friend made us.  
Day two: two turtle doves - an easy one!
Day three: 3 French toasts (delivered to him in bed by 3 special helpers)
Day four: 4 "spicy" birds - I forgot to take a picture. It was a box of jalapeno chicken poppers from Meijer. Haha.
Day five: 5 golden rings - again, no picture. It was 5 glazed donuts.  Mmmmmm.
Day six: 6 beers for slaying (your thirst) - beers for slaying and geese a laying are pretty much the same thing, right?? Lol
Day seven: 7 warmers warming  
Day eight: 8 Sunmaids Milking 
Day nine: 9 Little Debbies. Haha. I could not think of anything for Ladies Dancing. So I just matched the first letters in each word and called it good. Haha.
Day ten: 10 Lures a Leaping - a ten pack of fishing lures for my fisherman. 
Days 11 and 12 are tomorrow and Christmas Eve, so I can't share them yet. ;-)

3. Lena finished up another session of gymnastics this week. I can't remember if I shared that she moved up a level this time and has been doing much harder stuff. But she absolutely rocked it. The best part is that the only other kid in her class was her friend Aubrey, so they practically had private lessons. I wasn't going to sign her up for the next session because I hate leaving the house in the winter/driving in the snow, but I hate to stop her forward momentum. So I forked over the cash to let her keep learning moves like these:

4. I was going to spend this week studying Christmas around the World with the girls instead of their usual curriculum work, and then take the next two weeks off for Christmas, but then I came down with a cold, and the girls were squirrely, and I ran out of patience, so I guess we're just taking 3 weeks off. (It really annoys me that I can't insert emojis in my blog. I need the shrug emoji right now.)

5. One of our Advent activities this week was supposed to be sledding. Of course there is no snow on the ground. And that fell on the day that my cold was its worst, so we did "watch TV all day" instead. Lol. We also made cookies for our librarians later in the week:

I forgot one of the librarians and didn't realize it until after we left the library. *facepalm*
And today I made up a Christmas treasure hunt. That has got to be one of the girls' all time favorite activities. But it's so much work thinking up all the clues!

6. I had my first ever EKG yesterday! I called the doctor last week to request testing since my dad just got diagnosed with a genetic heart condition. I figured it would be weeks before they could get me in, but I guess they don't mess around with heart stuff because they got me in the next day! The EKG was a weird experience. They put sticky things on my chest - I expected that part, but they also put them on my wrists and ankles. Ummm, I've never been to medical school, but I'm pretty sure I only have one heart - in my chest. Then they hooked me up to a bunch of cords, pushed a button on the computer, waited all of ten seconds, then started unhooking me! I don't understand how they could possibly notice any irregularities after ten seconds of monitoring, but I guess they know what they're doing. (shrug emoji again) I was able to get it done right at my doctor's office, and my doctor said there are no red flags from the results. But I think the true test will be the echocardiogram. I actually have to go to the cardiologist for that one. I haven't scheduled it yet, so stay tuned.

7. Pictures:
Shenanigans at family Christmas last week.

The girls have gotten in a really bad habit of staying up 'til 11 or midnight and sleeping 'til 10:00 am!

Church Christmas program. My phone obviously can't handle zooming in so much. Lena's in the top row on the far right.

Lucy's pretty much in the middle - wearing a black and white sweater.

Precious snapchats from my sister-in-law of my brother with his daughter. *crying face emoji*

Like Father, like son . . . *heart eyes emoji*

My sweet friend Karen went to Epcot and brought home gifts for my kids! A princess set for each girl and a bag full of Cars 3 cars for Levi. Plus a little passport kit for each girl with cards and pressed pennies from the countries we've been studying in homeschool! So cool!

Playing soccer this morning, Levi insisted he needed "soccer pants like Daddy." He searched through his drawer until he found the pants with the Adidas stripe down the side. Haha.
