Advent 2015

It's that time of year again! I started this tradition of doing a daily activity leading up to Christmas when Lucy was 2 years old, and we love it so much that I've kept it up. Of course, I always wait until the last day of November to get everything together. This year is no exception. Haha.

On top of the Advent Activities, I'm trying something new this year and making my own little devotional. I bought the Little People Nativity set last year on super-clearance and decided that we're going to get it out one piece at a time this year. On day one, we'll set out the stable and talk about why Jesus was born in a stable. On day two, we'll add all the animals and talk about what it must have been like for a little baby to be born among the animals. On day three, we'll add Mary and talk about how the angel came to her, etc. I'm still working on writing up the detailed devotional, but stay tuned. I'll share it when it's done.

So here are the activities for this year. Some are pretty specific to our family, but feel free to steal any ideas that will work for you!

Advent 2015
1. Make red and green play doh/ day 1 nativity devotions
2. Christmas tree pizzas for dinner
3. Christmas mad libs/ day 2 nativity devotions (The girls did some mad libs at the library and loved them, so I'm just going to make some up with fill-ins like color, animal, number, silly word, person, etc. instead of parts of speech.)
4. Family game night/ hot chocolate
5. Paint nails red and green
6. Get and decorate a Christmas tree
7. Buy gifts for each other/wrap them
8. Make cinnamon ornaments/ day 3 nativity devotions
9. Pick out toys for Toys for Tots
10. Make minion ornaments/ day 4 nativity devotions
11. Christmas program at school
12. Jesus’ Birthday Party
13. Unwrap special ornament
14. Make and play with Shivery Snow Paint
15. Treats for librarians/ day 5 nativity devotions (I think we're going to make "snowman soup.")
16. Buy presents for Mrs. Ellsworth (Lucy's teacher) - probably this and this and this 
17. Make a homemade gift for Grandmas/ day 6 nativity devotions
18. See the Christmas Trees/Train at Frederick Meijer Gardens with Great Grandma
19. VK Christmas
20. Family movie night
21. Make treats for the mail lady
22. Random act of kindness/day 7 nativity devotions (we're going to do this Redbox code thing)
23. Make Play-doh Snowmen in Jars and deliver them to friends
24. Read Christmas books in front of the tree/ day 8 nativity devotions

Back-up ideas (because sometimes all my good intentions don't actually work out. haha)
-          sledding/snowmen with daddy

-          Christmas cookies
-     homemade cards

See also, Advent Activities from 2012, 2013, and 2014


  1. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing this! We've done our "kindness elves" the last couple years with our monkeys, and I remember struggling last year with ideas. I think between my lists the last couple years and your lists I'll be able to get some planning done this afternoon! (nothing like waiting till the last minute right??)

  2. You always come up with the best ideas! I'd like to do something like this :)


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